Sunny 73

Vendors open before the crowds show up-Howard Johnsons
We found ourselves at the Clarion Gem & Mineral Show this morning. Searching the nooks and crannies of this and other gem shows on “the strip” is often quite rewarding. The weekend crowds were gone and we had no problems navigating this show.

This gold ore looked outstanding-I hope it makes great jewelry.
I stumbled onto the only gold ore at the shows. This ore was from a newer claim in Beaver, Utah. Right now their ore is being sold as specimen pieces and these miners hope to be able to get crushing equipment among other expensive things in order to start making ingots. I thought, by my eye, that this ore was loaded with gold. It’ll be fun to cut and make cabs.
I found some wonderful Opalite cabs, that looked like moonstones, from India. Somehow a couple Sonoran Sunrise cabs appeared in my bag… BONNIE! I have seen some amazing neon blue opal from Cooper Peeby, but never one like I saw today. It is neon blue with green flashy undertones. It was one of those stones I had to have, and it will be one of the first cabs I wrap when I get home. You’ll have to wait until it is sone as I could not even begin to get a good photo of it.

This ammolite insetted into dinosaur bone looks 100% better in person.
The most spectacular items I acquired today were cabochons of Ammolite inset in Dinosaur bone. I wish I were at home to take a photo on my studio setup, but I am hopeful I can take a photo that at least hints at the beauty of these things. Perhaps I overspent on them, but then again perhaps not. They were completely unique.

Smokey Quartz cluster from Brazil looked spectacular in the sun.
We stopped at the Howard Johnson Gem and Mineral Show and Bonnie got some items.
I saw her buying some treated turquoise I would never have bought, but then she does keep me company, and she thought they were pretty. We chatted with interesting people, and my final purchase was a small chunk of rhodochrosite with pyrite from China. Bonnie is a big fan of rhodo, so she’ll be after me to cut when we get home too.

At 13' 4" this giant carnivorous Xiphatinus Audax (85 Million year old) is a steal at $165,000! Fron Lane County, Kansas
I hit the 22nd Street Show again just to get some nice photos for you guys including a Giant Carnivorous fish, and a photo for my buddy Chris.

Morrocan Crock.

Mastadon at Clarion.

I did not ask the price on this piece of Nantan Meteorite that fell in China in May of 1516.
The girls are going to exercise this evening, so I might have to go to one of my favorite spots while they are gone. Stay tuned for the next exciting adventure!