Tucson this am 17 Traverse City this am 17 Are you kidding?
It was cold and sunny today with a biting breeze. We sent out 4 flat rate boxes today.

One of the really weird things we saw. Is Tuscon in China? I'm pretty sure Tucson is not (look close at the sign).

Remember the skulls piled at Electric Park? Check out what you can do with a little glue and some Turquoise.
The highlights of the day were finding a warm place to shop. We ended up at the Tucson Expo Center searching the back reaches of the JOGS Show. The druzy quartz we located was just spectacular. I wish I would have found this druzy before I had to give that foreign vendor at GJX so much cash (which I could use about now).

I asked if I could take this photo. I hope this keeps the photo police off me.
I asked Bonnie if I could take some pictures at the JOGS Show. She said there was no sign that she saw. Later we found their Vendor Booklet said “no Photos allowed”. I was just lucky that one of our friends had taken a few illegal photos so I can show you guys.

Typical Vendor room at the Holiday Inn.
The show at the Holiday Inn Holidome opened today, so we took the shuttle over to it. We did not buy anything there, but there were a ton of people that we did not feel like fighting. Vendors were inside as well as in a large tent outside. Some first floor rooms also had vendors.
I think my rant of the day is shoppers dragging around those wheeled super-sized luggage. One woman had a regular wheeled piece of luggage that was constantly blocking aisles. What are these people thinking?

Guard Bears at the Holiday Inn: AT A GEM SHOW! Un-bear-able!
There was certainly nice stuff at the Holidome, but I don’t like fighting crowds, so we left. We have another week so we’ll get back there.
The funniest thing I saw at the Holiday Inn were a couple bear skin rugs; AT A ROCK SHOW!
It is suppose to warm up tomorrow and by Sunday near 70 again. We heard reports of frozen pipes, and gas lines, closed schools, and temperatures turned down at businesses so the gas company could keep up with demand! Record lows today, AND record low highs (got that?)! At least there is no snow here.