Tucson Rock & Gem Shows-The Miner’s Co-op Grew

Sunny and 83


The Miner’s Co-op is a real Rockhound’s treat

A return to the remote Miners Co-op show brought a real surprise. There were three times the vendors than two weeks ago. This show seems more like Quartzsite than Tucson with all the tailgating and rocks, slabs, and cabs on tables right out in an open lot. I love this format.


Bonnie and I found treasures at bargain prices everywhere. I bought cabs, and Bonnie was hauling around a five pound Chrysocolla rock she liked the looks of. I have learned to keep quiet, even though I have a good supply at home already. Good Chrysocolla seems to be in short supply in Tucson this year.


I found a few pieces of quality Dino Bone at one vendor, picked a few slabs at another vendor, and just chatted with the vendors. I love to pick the brains of other Rockhounds and harvest any trivial knowledge they possess.


You can tell when it is warm in Tucson when water in slab tubs is replaced by mister-sprayers. The water actually can get so hot it burns the hands.

This blog actually involves several days and a couple trips to the Co-op. The last tme I was there, I found a fellow Wingate Pass Agate Lover. This stuff is very rare and Kevin cuts a few pieces each year for Tucson Customers.

The main event show started on the 11th, and we attended and will show you tomorrow. I tell you this because one of the rock-related book dealers had a wonderful book I was perusing called, Collecting Agates and Jaspers of North America by Patti Polk. I mentioned to Bonnie this would be a great gift for me sometime. I swear this is a true Kharma story. I saw the same book in a booth at the co-op; the very booth Kevin was in, and there sat Patti Polk, the author. I bought an autographed copy on the spot. I could not believe this coincidence; or was it? (Twilight Zone Music Playing). Get yourself a copy. It’s a wonderful book, and for those that cannot read, there are lots of fine pictures.

Kevin had some Pietersite from Namibia, I had not seen, that was black with yellow in it. I bought rough and will show you when I cut it. The name is “Golden Sky” var. Pietersite. There is a good supply of rough at this booth. It’s very cool stuff.


Patti Polk & Kevin Kessler


If you are a real Rockhound, and not a Bead Lady or jewelry buyer, this is the show for you.