It’s never to early to start thinking of a Valentine gift for your Valentine.
I recall when I was in grade school; so far back that most of you were not yet born.
One of the memorable events, I remember, was celebrating Valentines Day by exchanging Valentine Cards with others in my 3rd or 4th grade class.
The exchanging of cheap cards helped make for a happy classroom. I came from the poor side of town. We lived in the shadow of a Giant Paper Mill smokestack. This was good, because the rotten smell would mostly drift over our house and settle on the rich side of town. My best pal, Bill, and I played in the paper bails. A paper bail was about ten foot square, they were “stacked” haphazardly, inviting kids to make forts and hideouts in those bails. We sometimes found Valentine (and other) Cards in those bails. When Valentines Day came, I always had nice cards to give out. I, of course, never told anyone where I got the cards; after all, it’s the thought that counts.
I’m sure most kid’s parents bought them cards to give to the other kids, but my (paper bail) cards were always well received, and mom did not have to buy any cards for us boys to hand out. I had enough found cards to share with my three younger brothers. Paper bails were not a place for my younger brothers to explore, but most of the time I liked my younger brothers, and by sharing my found treasures, I felt good.

What make this unique is its’ color and it is the only Petrified Cedar found on Earth.
Today, Valentines Day is so commercialized by the Card Companies, Candy Companies, and jewelry Stores (of course). Don’t get the wrong idea. We promote local jewelry stores and often do custom cutting for them. I’m referring to big box jewelry stores who offer you aisles and aisles of diamonds.

This Yooperstone has a hidden surprise. I coupled this with some nice facetted Garnets. Adding the Garnets with the black Granite helps the ordinary looking stone stand out.

Some of these slick TV ads promote Diamonds or colored gemstones. The subliminal message, in the ads, is that you are cheap if you don’t buy multiple Diamonds for your love. Most people reading this blog know that Diamonds’ inflated values are controlled by one central cartel based in South Africa. The world of stone is so much larger, we love to offer variety!

Olivine (a relative of Peridot) inhabits some Symchan Meteorites. When you shine a light up through the Meteorite, it looks like a yellow-shaded stained glass window. Olivine included Meteorites, are classed as Pallasite Meteorites because they contain Olivine.

Copper Ore containing “Shot Copper” is occasionally found in the Keweenaw Copper Country waste piles. This Ore was hard enough to make a pendant from. Location found was in the Kearsage Lode near Calumet.
Snob Appeal Jewelry is a small business, based in a small town, in Northern Michigan. We do not use common gemstones that you see at every jewelry store. Our jewelry value is in memories, not costs. Most of our stones are much more rare than what you find in every jewelry store in the country. Our rare and unusual pendants always create a special feeling.

Could Lady Liberty be wading in the Michigan Snow Drifts?
Since she is not wearing a Carhartt Parka and a Story Kromer hat; probably Not.

These Devonian Fossils are found in the same area as Petoskey Stones. It is more common to see them as little straw-shaped rings in our fossils.
In every case, our jewelry’s intent is to create a feeling of love, and that you are giving or receiving something that no one else has. We are surprised by people around this great country, having deep feelings about our Great Lakes Rocks & Minerals. Instead of common Diamonds, Rubies, and Sapphires, we have Lake Superior Agates, isle Royale Greenstones, Petoskey Stones, and Pudding Stones. We have hand made pendants, made of rare and unusual gemstones, from around the world. Our Etsy site features amazing beadwork as well as wire wrapped pendants. We’re not making millions of dollars, but we’re creating thousand of memories.

A very striking scenic Mexican Agate.
Valentines Day is very special to us, because a gift of our jewelry brings love and elation to others. Our jewelry is long-lasting, and evokes memories for our customers. We put love in every piece we hand make. We believe in buying locally, when we can, and we believe in honestly, Integrity, and fairness. Bonnie and I appreciate everyone that supports our small business, and are proud of our reputation. Over 1000 one-of-a-kind pieces are available on our websites.

Patricianite is a beautiful stone found in the Keweenaw Peninsula. It is comprised of Prehnite, Chlorite, and visible Copper. This stone was found at the Cliff Mine. Lots of Copper in this one!!

Ammonites thrived in the seas millions of years ago (Devonian–Upper Cretaceous,) but were pretty much wiped out 66 Million years ago, along with the Dinosaurs. They are Cephalopods, related to present day Squids and Cuttlefish

This Agate is special because the eye on the right side is clear crystal, and allows you to look down inside of the Agate. I cannot show this uniqueness with a picture. One you have to see in person.
Here in our blog and on Facebook we try to show you new jewelry that is available to purchase. Sometimes new jewelry is put into out inventory to be sold at art shows. Some jewelry is sold at our Snobappealjewelry.com website, and some at our ETSY site. Some jewelry is available at retail outlets, like Copper World in Calumet, Michigan. If you see any piece of jewelry you are interested in, contact us at Snobappealjewelry@yahoo.com. We can tell you (in most cases) where a piece of jewelry is, or if it was sold. Some pictures in our blogs are “linked” to that particular piece of jewelry.
This blog is to wish you a happy Valentines day, and we are so happy you can purchase jewelry from us, instead of rooting thru paper bails for Valentine cards.
All the jewelry in this blog is available as of the date published.