We stayed at a family-run motel north of Parker, AZ while visiting the Quartzite rock shows (where there is no Quartzite). “Is there anything to do in Parker?”, I questioned the lady who runs the motel. “Not really” was her reply.

Parker Dam on the Colorado River.
But Parker is on the Colorado River, and she suggested that we drive up and take a look at the Parker Dam. A road runs over the dam connecting the Arizona side with the California side. Manned security structures are at either end. No pedestrians, RV’s, or trucks are allowed. We drove across just to see what we could see. On the other side of the river we saw a sign warning us to be cautious of wild burros that might be in the road.
In Michigan we have deer crossing signs, and you would never stop to see a deer cross the road right at the sign. Here, within a few hundred yards of the sign, there were the dumb asses, walking along the side of the road. They began to cross the road, then one of the REALLY dumb asses stopped to nurse the baby right in the middle of the road!

Sorry about the out of focus picture of this, had to get it quick so you would believe me.
I stopped in the roadway so I would not run over this stupid ass and I had the window down to take a picture when a wise ass tried to stick his nose into MY rental car. I did not see this sneaky ass, and had to roll my window up when Bonnie alerted me to this wise ass trying to get his nosy ass into my car!

Hungry asses grazing on the golf course.
The Dam burros nose print was on my window. Apparently tourists have been known to feed these critters, even though signs are posted that say “Do not feed or harass the wild burros”.
These burros are a legacy from mining days, but the miners left and the burros were left to fend for themselves. The desert environment seemed to suit them, and they have thrived. We went back the next day and a whole bunch of asses were grazing on the golf course greenery. I think if I owned that golf course I’d put a hole in one! I guess he’d be a dead ass then, wouldn’t he?

While I was watching these, the sneaky ass snuck up on me.
If you are ever in Parker, watch your ass!