We specialize in rare,unusual, and unique gemstone pendants, made from pink, gold, and tarnish-resistant argentium sterling. Each piece is artistically wire-wrapped in a manner that enhances the gemstone and makes the stone the star in the pendant. We strive never to distract from a beautiful gemstone by using excessive amounts of wire. Most ...
We specialize in rare,unusual, and unique gemstone pendants, made from pink, gold, and tarnish-resistant argentium sterling. Each piece is artistically wire-wrapped in a manner that enhances the gemstone and makes the stone the star in the pendant. We strive never to distract from a beautiful gemstone by using excessive amounts of wire. Most of our stones are hand cut in our own lapidary shop.
Agate stone jewelry is featured from Africa, Mexico, Brazil and many United States locations. Each stone is sharp, distinctive, and elegantly wire-wrapped to create quality pendants for you.
Our Amber pendants are elegantly wire wrapped prehistoric resin from the Baltic shores, with top-quality 14/20 yellow gold, pink gold, and tarnish-resistant argentium silver wires.
Bumblebee is a rare rock from the volcanic vents of the Indonesia islands. The yellow, orange and black colors make striking natural stone jewelry.
Our Charoite jewelry is from gorgeous purple stone characterized by a fibrous textural look, and comes from the Ural Mountains of Russia, elegantly wire wrapped in 14/20 yellow or pink gold and tarnish-resistant argentium silver.
Copper is so fashionable, find a variety of jewelry stones which have copper inclusions in them. Most of this stone jewelry comes from the Copper Country of Michigan's Upper Peninsula, but check here for surprise copper stone from other locations as they become available!
Our Mexican Crazy Lace Agate jewelry features agate coveted by jewelry-makers for years, due to the wide color range, the close banding, the orbs and fortification shapes that make crazy lace agate so interesting. Crazy Lace Agate can also come from Australia. Our jewelry is elegantly wire wrapped in 14/20 yellow or pink gold and tarnish-resistant argentium silver.
Bone of ancient dinosaurs sometimes petrified and left behind these rocky pieces of prehistoric life. The red, pink, brown colors and appearance of these dinosaur relics are often surprising. Dinosaur poop is also made into fine jewelry, see for yourself!
A most popular jewelry stone, the treated Druzy (or Drusy) quartz crystals offer shimmer and shine for affordable prices. Vapors of various precious metals are incorporated into white stone, giving these lovely bright colors. We also have select natural crystals, all wrapped with our elegant wire-wrapping techniques into quality stone jewelry.
Layered paint from automotive & boat factories oversprayed in historic factories of Ford, General Motors, American Motors, body shops and Century Boat Company has been reclaimed and formed into exquisitely wire wrapped pendants using gold, pink gold, and argentium silver wires.
Fossils from around the world can be made into unique jewelry. Look here for our selections of Mastadon teeth, Mammoth Ivory, Ammonite, Turritella Agate and others.
Jaspers are found worldwide. Picture Jaspers are some of the most popular, especially Biggs and Bruneau. Royal Imperial Jasper makes colorful jewelry, as does Mookaite and Mushroom Jasper.
Beautiful deep royal blue gemgrade, untreated Lapis Lazuli is formed into exquisitely wire wrapped pendants using gold, pink gold, and argentium silver wires.
Larimar is an aqua blue stone with light white marbling, giving a 3-D shimmer. Coming from only one square mile of the earth, in the Dominican Republic, it was created in volcanic rock, but looks like the ocean! Beautiful and highly acclaimed, look for great, choice stones. Our pendants are elegantly wire wrapped with top-quality 14/20 yellow gold, pink gold, and tarnish-resistant argentium silver wires.
Leland Blue Stone is a unique material from the eastern shores of Lake Michigan. Around the area of Leland, Michigan beachcombers treasure the bits of blue, green, brown, or purple colors they find on the shores. A byproduct of iron smelting in the late 1800's, foundries were built to take advantage of the beech and maple trees and the local limestone source. The industrial waste slag has lasted long beyond the industry itself and is now useful for stone pendants.
Popular Malachite from Africa is beautifully presented in tasteful wire wrapping. Contrasting light and dark green bands make interesting sometimes humorous patterns, inviting stunning jewelry pendants. Recently man-created malachite has been available for purchase, currently we do not offer any of these synthetic stones, only quality natural stone.
Muoniolusta Meteorites and Seymchan Pallasite Meteorites make stunning out-of-this world distinctive jewelry. These carefully selected meteorites have characteristic Widmanstatten patterns, or olivine crystals that set them apart. Our pendants are elegantly wire wrapped with top-quality 14/20 yellow gold, pink gold, and tarnish-resistant argentium silver wires.
Montana Moss Agate is the featured stone, with scenic vistas, ferns and trees seemingly encased in stone. The pictures are truly bits of minerals arranged in interesting ways, not fossil remains. The transparent look makes beautiful jewelry. We also have moss agate from Kazakhstan. Our pendants are elegantly wire wrapped with top-quality 14/20 yellow gold, pink gold, and tarnish-resistant argentium silver wires.
Mystic Topaz is a popular faceted stone because of the bright colors and way it changes in appearance as blue, purple and green tones catch the light. A natural clear gemstone has been enhanced to give the desirable rainbow effect.
Ocean Jasper is a fascinating stone characterized by obicular patterns in a wide range of colors. Green, white, and pink predominate, but may be found in interesting circular combinations with yellow, red, and peach. Pockets of druzy andd botryoidal formations add further interest. Our pendants are elegantly wire wrapped with top-quality 14/20 yellow gold, pink gold, and tarnish-resistant argentium silver wires.
Opal pendants from key opal sites around the world including Mexican Fire Opal, Australian black opal, crystal opal, Yowah Nut opal, carved opal fish, Andamooka opal, and Lightning Rodge.
Petrified Wood is a colorful fossil of ancient trees, polished and elegantly wire wrapped with top-quality 14/20 yellow gold, pink gold, and tarnish-resistant argentium silver wires.
Gorgeous natural pietersite from South Africa has chatoyancy that is captivating. Blue, yellow, golden, and red vie for your eyes attention. The real thing will be even more fascinating that the picture! Our pendants are elegantly wire wrapped with top-quality 14/20 yellow gold, pink gold, and tarnish-resistant argentium silver wires.
Quartz is a large and varied category incuding smokey quartz, and amethyst. Many of our pendants contain interesting inclusions such as rutile, hematite, tourmaline and manganese.
Queensland agate is very colorful, especially with orange, yellow, and pink tones, and comes to us from Australia. Our polished cabochons are elegantly wire wrapped in precious metal wires.
Highly prized gemstone rhodochrosite shines in high quality jewelry. Stone patterns may include red/white banding, botryoidal cabochons, pink/brown cabochons, heart shapes and other variations. Our pendants are elegantly wire wrapped in 14/20 yellow or pink gold and tarnish-resistant argentium silver.
Teepee Canyon agates come from the western Black Hills area of South Dakota, found in select limestone nodules. Sharp and bright colors make striking jewelry. Our pendants are elegantly wire wrapped in 14/20 yellow or pink gold and tarnish-resistant argentium silver.
Trilobites are a fossil creature. From Delta, Utah, our Trilobites have excellent features, and we are especially fond of our "doubles".
Wire-wrapped pendants feature Turkish Stick Agate from Cubuk, or Ankara. Full of needle-like inclusion it can also have surprising agate features. Miners tell us it is very hard to find and mine, and has only been discovered in recent decades.
Select pieces of Turquoise are combined with precious metals to create one-of-a-kind pendants. Using the best Turquoise from western United States mines as well as choice Chinese mines, we offer a wide variety of turquoise selections. Sleeping Beauty, Royston, Bisbee, Morency, Kingman, Cripple Creek, Campiko, and Pilot Mountain are some of the Western mines we use for jewelry. Our pendants are wrapped in 14/20 gold fill, pink gold, and tarnish-resistant argentium silver.
A semi-precious stone prized for beautiful green colors may be enhanced by striations of browns or white, exquisitely formed into wire wrapped pendants using gold, pink gold, and argentium silver wires. Most of our stone comes from western US or Australia.
Victoria Stone is a man-created stone of limited availability. Lovely jewelry is constucted from pieces cut in the lapidary and wire-wrapped in elegant settings. Favorite colors available are blues, greens, black, white, and wine, with some pieces enhanced by precious gems or cubic zirconia.
From time to time we choose a few items for a discount! Enjoy the shopping opportunity. As always, these pendants are elegantly wire wrapped with top-quality 14/20 yellow gold, pink gold, and tarnish-resistant argentium silver wires.
Sterling silver, argentium silver, rose gold, and gold fill chains of varying sizes, lengths, styles and chain patterns.
Wire-wrapped semiprecious gemstone pendant and earring sets, wire wrapped by master artist Don Reed. Stone selection represent agates, jaspers, turquoise, and Michigan gemstones.
Favorite stones from the Great Lakes area, some official State Stones, Gems and local favorites
Mother's Day, Anniversary Gift, Special Occasion or Prom jewelry from the Great Lakes area and beyond, handcrafted by master wire artist Don Reed
When visiting Michigan's Copper Country, copper mementos call to you. If you missed the perfect copper item when you visited, or you can't visit there this year, this is a charming little pendant, to map the way your heart can remember the Copper Country. A charming copper agate wrapped in gold fill wires.
When visiting Michigan's Copper Country, copper mementos call to you. If you missed the perfect copper item when you visited, or you can't visit there this year, this is a magnificent large Silver and Copper pendant, so your heart can remember the Copper Country. This bold copper/silver nugget is wrapped in pink gold fill and silver wires.
The Copper Country has a lot of special things, but it doesn't have this magical piece! A magnificent large Silver and Copper nugget is enhanced with a chatoyant Isle Royale Greenstone, both wire wrapped in coppery pink gold fill wires! Two natural treasures merge together for you to wear, so your heart can remember the Copper Country no matter where you...
A wavy blue Larimar stone is set apart by a natural inclusion of copper, a lovely addition for the stone lover who covets the jewelry with something different. Wire wrapped in argentium silver and twisted pink gold this pendant is stately and elegant with a copper surprise. Beautiful and special!
Imagine a drone view of the earth, where you see a cordial welcoming landscape seen from afar. It cordially invites the viewer into the delightful landscape of orbs, circles, and agate banding. Muted pastel colors allow this to be worn with any outfit.
Two etched deer peer at you from the shadows, just as they might in your forest. wire wrapped in argentium silver, a treasure for the nature lover.
Do you know the rhyme "There was a crooked man, he walked a crooked mile...."? Here's a Crookd Petoskey stone with a crooked look, following the large Hexagonal shapes of the fossil. The gold wires go tastefully crooked too, holding the stone nicely, not overdone. If you like different, maybe this is for you!
A crystal setting for dark green baubles, wire wrapped in silver and gold. Yum!
Double crystal peepholes star in this colorful Ocean Jasper. Crystal caves in an ocean of parrot green are lovely! Wear your crystal every day!
Black and white beads and a wire-wrapped quartz geode are hand-knotted with sterling silver spacer beads in this hand crafted necklace.
Crystal Rhodochrosite! Transluscent rose pink Rhodochrosite like this is so unusual and lovely. As well as being gemmy, this is a very thick piece of Rhodochrosite, wrapped in Argentium silver, with two twisted pink goldfill wires to accent the beautiful rose pink color of the stone. Don't pass up this opportunity to wear this very special piece.
A lovely crystal geode is completely encircled by autumn colors of Queensland Agate and wire wrapped in gold fill and argentium wires.
Seeking a beautiful treasure from the Keweenaw Peninsula? A nice-sized lemony yellow Datolite from the Delaware Mine shines out from a wire-wrapped of gold and twisted argentium silver wires. Enjoy an unusual treasured color from Michigan's Copper Country.
Delicately wrapped in 24 gauge yellow gold and pink gold, this Isle Royale Greenstone will be a delight to own and a delight to wear. This pendant has a lot of appeal, a great price, a great treasure from a remote National Park. Buy and enjoy!
Coming from Michigan's Copper District, this Fabulous Copper Agate Pendant will really impress! This large Copper Agate has all you could want in a copper agate, lots of copper and interesting patterns. It really speaks of the Keweenaw area and reminds you of the mining history in a glowing way.
From the North Shore of Lake Superior comes this lively pink and salmon Thomsonite. Treasured by rock hunters, Thomsonite is hard to find these days. This beauty is enhanced by layers of square gold wires and twisted pink wires creating a fancy setting. You'll love showing off this piece!
Fantasize about finding a great Pink Petoskey stone? Here's a substantial stone with great pink coloring at the top and perfect pale hexagons with lots of little fossil details visible. A perfect Michigan State Stone pendant with elegant wire wrap just for you! Buy today!
Two pretty stones transformed into a spectacular Floral Fireworks to set your heart aglow! A glorious crystal rose pink Rhodochrosite and a blue green Turquoise combine into a gorgeous pendant. Highest quality gemstones coupled with masterful gold and silver wire artistry, hinged between gemstones, and each of the bead dangles moves independently. You...
Love the red jasper in your Pudding Stones? This Pudding Stone features a large bright paint blotch of red jasper right up front! Square Argentium Sterling Silver wires make a simple setting for the Pudding Stone, with no fanciness at the top, for those who prefer that. It's a bright spot of Pudding Stone.
Flower-like swirls swing across this pinky Thomsonite pendant from Minnesota's North Shore of Lake Superior. Shiny argentium wires mix with rose gold to encase this flowery gem. Shades of pink and tan mix to make a glorious flower bouquet. Get this for your favorite gal.
Wow--This Petoskey Stone has eyes that really demand attention, a graceful round shape and lovely gold wire setting. Square gold fill wires wrapped in argentium wraps create an elegant tasteful setting for an eye-catching stone. This is a premium selection of Michigans State Stone-buy now!
Love a bright color? This is a beautiful red, not to be missed, smaller pendant. Bits of yellow and orange help set the vibrant tones. Wire work is all tarnish-resistant Argentium silver wires.
Ever wanted to own a cool Meteorite? This beautiful space rocks traveled millions of miles to become your new favorite pendant! Iron Meteorites, from Namibia are characterized by wonderful crystal-like Widmanstatten structure. This one is a real conversation starter!