Chlorastrolite was declared Michigan's State Gem, but it is only found in a small portion of the state, the far north. It comes from Isle Royale (now a National Park where collecting is prohibited) and from certain copper areas of the Keweenaw Peninsula which juts out into Lake Superior. Created by volcanic action the host rock is mineral rich...
Chlorastrolite was declared Michigan's State Gem, but it is only found in a small portion of the state, the far north. It comes from Isle Royale (now a National Park where collecting is prohibited) and from certain copper areas of the Keweenaw Peninsula which juts out into Lake Superior. Created by volcanic action the host rock is mineral rich and was first valued for the copper found there. While finding copper, miners also found these small nodules of green, and sometimes they would polish into gemstone beauties. These are the treasures we crave, starry, well-patterned with geometric, chatoyant variations of dark and light green, and sometimes some pink Thomsonite or other inclusions. Greenstones have become quite scarce because old mine rock piles are being crushed and used for gravel. When you buy a Greenstone, you are investing in a rare gemstone. Our stones are well polished and ready for use in rings or other jewelry.
Here’s a very nice Isle Royale Greenstone, with Thomsonite dotted across the surface. Round, cute, beautifully patterned, and nicely domed, this would be a perfect ring stone. .7 grams 9mm round, dome 6mm
Looking for an awesome gorgeous Greenstone with Thomsonite? This little treasure stone is beautifully shaped and highlights both the Greenstone pattern and the pretty pink Thomsonite that occurs in a swirly line across the surface. A top choice! 1.8 grams 11mm x 18mmx 7mm
Michigan state gem greenstone with pale pink inclusions...a Beauty!!
Michigan state gem greenstone cabochon for jewelry making--this is beauty!