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Hint of Blue Marra Mamba Pendant



Love some shimmer?  You'll love this, Marra Mamba, the most rare form of Tiger Eye. This bold Pendant is a stunner. 

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When Tiger Eye and shiny Hematite become mixed, it forms Tiger Iron. Add Riebeckite to Tiger Iron and you have Marra Mamba.

Marra Mamba is the rarest form of Tiger Eye. The best Marra Mamba always came from Australia, but Marra Mamba was supposably mined out year ago. If you can still find Marra Mamba, it is very valuable. Marra Mamba contains a beauitiful chatoyant blue mineral called Riebeckite. Riebeckite is absolutely my very favorite Sodium Iron Magnesium Silicate Hydroxide. Of course i'm being facetious. If you want to look Riebeckite up, there is plenty of information on line. Tiger Iron is Tiger Eye and contains Hematite; if you add Riebeckite you have Marra Mamba.

Marra Mamba is so scarce I don't even actively search it out when I go to the Tucson Gem & Mineral Shows. On a very sunny Tucson morning several years ago I was looking thru some Australian rough rock. The sun was shining just right on one of the Tiger Eye pieces of rough, and I noticed a glint of blue. This piece caught my eye immediately. Blue Riebeckite in Tiger Iron made it Marra Mamba. This rock was being sold as Tiger Eye at Tiger Eye prices. I was so excited, and purchase it immediately. After I bought the rock, I asked the dealer if it was indeed Marra Mamba? His response was "I must have missed one".

This pendant is made from a slice of that amazing stone. You can see the Riebeckite scattered within the Tiger Eye, especially in the back. If you would like a "bragger" to wear, this is your ticket. You can also practice saying "Sodium Iron Magnesium Silicate Hydroxide"; That, in itself, would be very impressive.

I started with a square with rounded corners (1 5/8" X 1 5/8"), and generously wrapped it in 14/20 double gold filled, and 14/20 double pink (rose) gold fill. 

Dimensions:2 1/8"h x 1 5/8"w

Bail 1/4'

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